Your donation

  • It will help low-income people learn how to make 8 crafts at the Noel Workshop in Nicaragua. This includes food, and refreshments. It’s a class every Saturday for 3 hours. Includes the materials and the payment of Noel’s workshop teacher. C$500.00 is the cost of the course with materials and teacher payment or full course with refreshments and fast food. C$300.00 Materials at the end to start your business at home. C$80.00 (for the tickets of the 10 people or those who need it most.

    Requirements to take the courses.  To qualify are:
    1. Not have a job and have low income, and
    2. Desire to excel.

  • Sometimes, when we have sufficient funds, we buy or receive donations of wheelchairs, hand rail and donations to disabled people, especially elderly people.

Another way you can collaborate with our foundation is buying the woven items made by our co-founder Amelia María Elena Mendoza. Order your article by calling tel .: 305-965-8522

Your donation can be made via Pay Pal

or send your donation to:

Popos Hormiguitas Foundation
3797 Catalina Rd.
West Palm Beach, FL 33410